Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Art of the Same Day Job Offer

To land the best developers in town, make a job offer the same day you bring the candidate on site.
I have spoken to hundreds of hiring managers over the last 16 years.  I often get asked: Where are all the good developers? How come I can’t manage to hire any of them?  When I dig into their recruiting process in the hopes of helping the hiring manager answer this question, I too often find that they are doing more things than they realize right, but are getting in their own way in the end zone. 
It often plays out like this: The company writes an engaging and fun job description and gets some interest. Company interviews a handful of developers.  Then….. thinks about who they like best. By the time the hiring managers decide who they want to make an offer to, they are often shocked to learn the developer has multiple offers or worse, has already accepted another job.
Please believe me when I tell you that developers are interviewing with more than just your company and often, the simple act of being the first to offer them a job puts you at an advantage.